Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kids Contest Winners 2012

Thank you SO much to everyone who participated in our 2012 Kids Contest! But a special thanks to all of the Mommies and Daddies who brought their kiddo's in to be photographed! I feel truly blessed that I get to capture such wonderful memories and adorable faces for a living! Thank you again to everyone and a Big Congratulations to our winners!~Tracy Miss Linkyn - 1st Place Miss Mesa - 2nd Place Miss Gabby - 3rd Place Miss Carly - Peoples Choice

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kids Contest 2012

Its that time of year again! Here are the rules and details for you! 1. FaceBook votes. You can go to our Designer Images Photography facebook page find our Kids Contest 2012 folder and “like” your favorite kiddo! Comments will not be counted, only “likes”. 2. Blog Votes. For anyone not on facebook - send them to our blog! www.designerimagesphotography.com/blog . Votes can be sent in via email. 3. Please only vote once! To be fair to all of our kiddo’s please limit your votes to only one!